
Brief reflection on the recent agreement in Honduras

Dear sisters and brothers.. saludos to all of you. please share with your networks..

***This is a brief reflection on the recent agreement in Honduras -- let us know well what has happened and wht could happen as a result of this. for now more than ever we must be most watchful, or we will not know what to do next.

Victor Rico political secretary of the Organization of American States-OAS, in a brief press conference on October 30, accompanied by Thomas Shannon, by the USA undersecretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, stated that the dialogue of the negotiating commissions for the political solution of the case re the coup d'etat in Honduras of June 28-09, "has come to a happy conclusion."

The agreement is to have the Honduran congress (the legislature) decide.

Thomas Shannon declared:
that the question of the restitution of the constitutional president is fundamental to the USA and to the International Communtiy, the OAS and UN resolutions clearly state that.

This is the agreement and this is what we must be watchful about, for this can become a trap, as the Honduran Congress can be become entangled and never decide, and in this way the Honduran people, and the rest of the world, can experience anew the terrible new modality of a coup d'etat.

The Only reason that the US finally came to this point is due to the work of the Honduran people and that of the peoples of the region, who made their governments stay by the commitment agreed years ago not to recognize a government resulting from a coup d' etat.. we can not go back to that era... it is completely anachronic..
Please be watchful and continue to press.. This is an issue of human rights for people allover the world. We cna not allow this precedent to be set.


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