
Hasta Siempre Carmen, Mother of Gerardo

International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban 

Hasta Siempre Carmen, Mother of Gerardo


Carmen Nordelo, mother of our Gerardo, died yesterday November 2nd. Gerardo the youngest of her children and only son was not able to say goodbye. His unjust imprisonment did not allow him to physically be with her in these hard years of her illness.  It did not allow him to give her a last kiss, nor to cry with his relatives, or even hold the hands of his wife Adriana.  All the basic things a human being needs most at a time like this.
Today several arrangements of beautiful flowers were presented to her grave side on behalf of Fidel, Raul and the Cuban people to pay homage and respect.  Carmen Nordelo Tejera, who for her exemplary life and dedication to the struggle for the freedom of Gerardo and his four brothers also received from Fidel the highest distinction that the Cuban State awards, the Mariana Grajales Order.
A Cuban flag and a bouquet of red roses from Gerardo and Adriana covered the small body of Carmen, bringing together all the kisses, all the tenderness and all the hugs that this Hero of the Republic of Cuba would have wanted to give to his mother.
We are not going to deny the pain and the tears that we shared in the farewell to Carmen, nor will we deny the profound indignation of an entire people who witnessed that at the same time Gerardo lost his mother while in absolute solitude in the high security prison in Victorville, in Miami they were celebrating the freedom of the terrorist Santiago Alvarez, figurehead and protector of the international criminal Luis Posada Carriles.  
The United States has inflicted endless pain on the mothers of these dignified sons who without one gun risked their lives to protect the lives of others.
Once again it is Gerardo who from his infinite strength and dignity stands up to help us to overcome this sad and bitter hour for everybody who feels part of this great family of the Cuban Five. Gerardo has asked us to thank, in his name and in the name of his family, all the Cuban people and the friends from all over that world who have sent him messages to console him in this difficult time.  He sends us all an embrace and encourages us to continue fighting more than ever until the Five return to their homeland and their families.  
Hasta Siempre Carmen, your smile will be forever in the smile of Gerardo. We will fight without resting to unmask the lies and to bring them all back to your beloved homeland that you made yours.  
We are thankful to you for bringing to life a person like Gerardo. 
Poema de Gerardo a su madre  
Te escribiré un poema que alcance el universo,
y aún temo sea pequeño para alabar tu amor,
llevará mil palabras apreciando tus besos,
aquellos que sanaron mis llagas de dolor.  
Intentaré expresarte cuanto amor te profeso,
amor que me ilumina y protege la razón,
y cómo por el mundo cabalgo siempre ileso,
pues parte de mi vida está en tu corazón.  
Te diré cuánto aprecio tus años de desvelo,
tu silencio infinito y tu inmenso valor,
y sabrás como ansio regresar a tu suelo,
renacer en tus brazos y sentir tu calor.  
Te ha de llegar con lágrimas de pasión y Alegría
porque oculto en mi pecho aguardará el regreso,
y cuánto yo quisiera mientras llega ese día,
que tú pudieras, Madre, leer estos versos.  
Gerardo Hernandez Nordelo, 15 de febrero del 1999, día del cumpleaños de su madre
International Committee for the Freedom of the Cuban Five

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